Visual Scheduling Tips & Tricks
Go to NETRONIC Software GmbH
Visual Jobs Scheduler (VJS) for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Visual Advanced Production Scheduler (VAPS) for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Release and version status
Installing the VAPS
Look and feel of the visual schedule
The view color modes
Setting up the VAPS
Integrating with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Finite Capacity Scheduling Instruments
Day-to-day use cases
Coding tips (for partners)
Visual Production Scheduler (VPS) for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Getting started with the VPS (for partners)
Basics of the VPS
Setting-up the VPS (for users)
Understanding the schedule and visual alerts in the VPS
Working with the schedule in the VPS
Coding tips (for partners)
API Events VPS
API Functions VPS
Visual Jobs Scheduler (VJS) for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Getting started with the VJS (for partners)
Basics of the VJS
Setting-up the VJS (for users)
Understanding the schedule and visual alerts
Working with the schedule in the VJS
Coding tips (for partners)
Visual Production Scheduler (VPS) for Dynamics NAV
Getting started with the VPS (for partners)
Coding tips (for partners)
Basics of the VPS
Setting-up the VPS (for users)
Understanding the schedule and visual alerts in the VPS
Working with the schedule in the VPS
Typical use cases of the VPS
Visual Job Scheduler (VJS) for Dynamics NAV
Getting started with the VJS (for partners)
Coding tips (for partners)
Basics of the VJS
Setting up the VJS (for users)
Understanding the schedule and visual alerts of the VJS
Working with the schedule in the VJS
Further resources
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Visual Scheduling Tips & Tricks
Visual Jobs Scheduler (VJS) for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Visual Advanced Production Scheduler (VAPS) for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Release and version status
Installing the VAPS
Look and feel of the visual schedule
The view color modes
Setting up the VAPS
Integrating with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Finite Capacity Scheduling Instruments
Day-to-day use cases
Coding tips (for partners)
Visual Production Scheduler (VPS) for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Getting started with the VPS (for partners)
Basics of the VPS
Setting-up the VPS (for users)
Understanding the schedule and visual alerts in the VPS
Working with the schedule in the VPS
Coding tips (for partners)
API Events VPS
API Functions VPS
Visual Jobs Scheduler (VJS) for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Getting started with the VJS (for partners)
Basics of the VJS
Setting-up the VJS (for users)
Understanding the schedule and visual alerts
Working with the schedule in the VJS
Coding tips (for partners)
Visual Production Scheduler (VPS) for Dynamics NAV
Getting started with the VPS (for partners)
Coding tips (for partners)
Basics of the VPS
Setting-up the VPS (for users)
Understanding the schedule and visual alerts in the VPS
Working with the schedule in the VPS
Typical use cases of the VPS
Visual Job Scheduler (VJS) for Dynamics NAV
Getting started with the VJS (for partners)
Coding tips (for partners)
Basics of the VJS
Setting up the VJS (for users)
Understanding the schedule and visual alerts of the VJS
Working with the schedule in the VJS
Further resources
Visual Jobs Scheduler (VJS) for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Get support for the VJS 365 Business Central within 1 business day
Release Notes Visual Jobs Scheduler
Visual Jobs Scheduler manual
Getting started with the VJS (for partners)
Installation of the VJS
Update the VJS
How to deploy the VJS into a cloud infrastructure?
Basics of the VJS
The structure of the VJS
The menu ribbon of the VJS
The Job View
The Resource View
The Creation Mode
The Histogram View
See more
Setting-up the VJS (for users)
Define the timespan of the schedule in the VJS
Show data filter dialog on start
The "Data filter" settings of the VJS
The "General" settings of the VJS
The "Company" settings of the VJS
The "Notifications" settings
The "Calculation" settings of the VJS
The "Appearance" settings in the VJS
Configure tooltips in the VJS
Configure bar labels in the VJS
Configure table texts in the VJS
How to use flow fields for tooltips, table, and label texts in NETRONIC'S simulation tables
The "Company Setup" dialog
Configure the sorting order
See more
Understanding the schedule and visual alerts
Info window shows progress when loading/reloading
Indicate violated link orders
Vertical line at the end date
Information during long calculations
See more
Working with the schedule in the VJS
Set up the working area
Zooming and scrolling
Show job planning line in other view
The search function of the VJS
The tooltip: Providing further details
Collapsing and expanding
Capacity information
Distribute workload of a resource individually
Hide the resource summary bar
Data filters
View filters
Open Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central dialogs from the VJS
Drag & drop tasks
Working with links
Plan linked operations without temporal offset
Calculate job planning line quantity based on resource capacity
Consider non-working periods when rescheduling job planning lines
Split job planning lines
Apply individual colors to jobs
Reload and save data
See more
Coding tips (for partners)
Add custom fields to the VJS
How to create an own language version of the VJS