Coding tips (for partners)

Set bar colors upon opening the VPS

The partners can set the background colors of bars according to their own business logic.

For this, certain settings have to be made in the XMLport "NETRONIC VPS Export" (5.416.000) on the level of the operation/production order routing line for the following values:

  • PORLBackgroundColor
  • PORLFontColor

The following code is already entered in these two places as a help:

PORLBackgroundColor - Export::OnBeforePassVariable()

//Sets optionally the background color of an operation

//Possible values are HTML colors processable by the .NET Method "System.

//This could be e.g., #FFFF00 or yellow

//PORLBackgroundColor := 'red';
PORLFontColor - Export::OnBeforePassVariable()

//Sets optionally the font color of an operation

//Possible values are HTML colors processable by the .NET Method "System.

//This could be e.g., #FFFF00 or yellow

//PORLFontColor := 'red';

The specification 'red has then to be replaced by the partners’ own color specification according to their particular business logic (e.g., by item type or by customer).