Getting started with the VJS (for partners)

Uninstall the VJS

Proceed as follows if you want to remove the VJS completely from your NAV system:

  1. Uninstall the Visual Jobs Scheduler using the Windows Control Panel.
  2. In the Object Designer of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, click on All and define a filter with the condition Version List = *NVJS*
  3. Delete all objects that fulfill the filter condition and are in the number range of the VJS (5.416.100 - 5.416.199). In the Delete dialog select Synchronize Schema = Force.
  4. Reset the filter.
  5. Compile all existing MenuSuites within the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment.
  6. Open the Control Add-ins page in the Role-Tailored Client under Departments ->
    Administration -> IT Administration -> General and remove the NETRONIC.DNAV.VSSuite.VJS.AddIn.